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Picking in the ACG SceneGraph


Picking is the operation to find an object in the 3D scene that is visible at a specific position. Usually you click with the mouse into the scene and want to get the node index of the object you clicked on and possibly the specific primitive you hit.

Picking in the ACG Scenegraph is done as color picking. Each node in the scenegraph has functions that are used only when the SceneGraph is traversed in picking mode ( ACG::SceneGraph::traverse() with ACG::SceneGraph::PickAction ). These functions render the scene in this special mode, and all objects and their primitives are rendered with a different color.

After rendering, the color at the position, where a mouse click is done, is read. The color is than split into the object and the primitive id used while rendering. Therefore the developer can map the numbers back to what the user clicked on or what is visible at the specific location.


For rendering the color picking, you have to use the ACG::SceneGraph::traverse() function with the ACG::SceneGraph::PickAction. The Action will than traverse the SceneGraph and each of the nodes do their rendering.

The PickAction traverses the SceneGraph in the same hierarchy as the draw function. But for entering, it calls ACG::SceneGraph::BaseNode::enterPick() and for leaving ACG::SceneGraph::BaseNode::leavePick(). The actual drawing is done in ACG::SceneGraph::BaseNode::pick() between these calls. The node index is set as the picking object name via GLState::pick_push_name() and is valid during the ACG::SceneGraph::BaseNode::pick() function. Afterwards it is reset via GLState::pick_pop_name(). The nodes do not need to handle this explicitly as it is done by the traversal.


Implementation in Nodes

If you implement your own node and need picking, you have to implement the functions ACG::SceneGraph::BaseNode::pick() and if you need to change states ACG::SceneGraph::BaseNode::enterPick() and ACG::SceneGraph::BaseNode::leavePick().

In the pick function, you get the current state and the ACG::SceneGraph::PickTarget. The PickTarget defines the primitives the user wants to pick. For a mesh, this would be vertices, edges or faces. With ACG::SceneGraph::PICK_ANYTHING you should render all primitives, one after the other with increasing indices.

The main pick function usually splits the picking for each of the primitives in the object. You have to set the maximum number of primitives that should be distinguished by the picking with the GLState::pick_set_maximum() function:

// The picking function
// Global object variable object_ assumed
void ExampleNode::pick(GLState& _state, PickTarget _target)
// Switch based on the target
switch (_target)
// Set the maximal number of primitives for this object
// In this case the number of vertices
_state.pick_set_maximum (object_.n_vertices());
pick_vertices( _state);
_state.pick_set_maximum (object_.n_edges());
pick_edges(_state, 0);
_state.pick_set_maximum (object_.n_vertices() + object_.n_edges());
pick_vertices( _state);
pick_edges( _state, object_.n_vertices() );

The pick vertices function would than look like the following example. You have to set the name for all of the primitives you want to render. You can render multiple primitives with the same index. This means that if you click on one of these primitives, they will return the same id. This is useful, if one of your components you want to pick consists of multiple parts (e.g. an arrow consisting of the cylinder and a cone) and should be handled as one component for the picking.

void ExampleNode::pick_vertices( GLState& _state )
for (unsigned int i=0; i< object_.n_vertices(); ++i) {
// Set the picking name of the next primitive.
// This will be the target index returned by the picking.
_state.pick_set_name (i);
// Render an arbitrary number of primitives which will all get the same picking index.
// Render the vertex with number i (note that this number matches the picking index returned by the picking)
glVertex3fv( object_.vertex(i) );

For the edges the code would be a bit more complex. If they are picked with ACG::SceneGraph::PICK_EDGE they will be handled as the vertices. If ACG::SceneGraph::PICK_ANYTHING is used, they will be used with the vertices. Therefore the indices given to the edges have to start after the vertices, which is implemented as an offset:

void ExampleNode::pick_edges( GLState& _state, unsigned int _offset)
for (unsigned int i=0; i<object_n_edges(); ++i) {
// Set the name for the current edge
_state.pick_set_name (i + _offset);
// Render current edge
glVertex3fv( object_.vertex( i % object_.n_vertices() ) );
glVertex3fv( object_.vertex( (i + 1) % object_.n_vertices() ) );

Getting the picking information

After rendering, you just retrieve the rgba color at the click position. This color can be converted to the node id and the component:

// Color at the picked position
// Read color from framebuffer at desired position into rgba
std::vector<unsigned int> rv = glState_.pick_color_to_stack(rgba);
// something wrong with the color stack
if (rv.size () < 2)
// Index of the picked Node in the SceneGraph ( This can be used to fetch the node from the scenegraph ).
_nodeIdx = rv[1];
// This is the component of the object at the picked position which has been set with pick_set_name()
_targetIdx = rv[0];

To get the node with the returned index, you can use the ACG::SceneGraph::FindNodeAction.


Do not enable lighting, shading, alpha,... basically everything that shades colors! The picking relies on fixed colors. Otherwise the correspondence to the objects/components gets lost and will always fail in weird ways.